X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Marvel ⋅ 2013

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Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Raze Darkholme, the son of Wolverine and Mystique in an alternate past, disguised as Kitty Pryde

1st appearance of Animax, summons monsters from her DNA structure

Issue Details




Arthur Adams


Brian Michael Bendis


September 2013


X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM, PART 1 The past, present and future of the X-Men collide in this 50th Anniversary event crossover! When investigating a new mutant, something truly horrible happens to the All-New X-Men that shakes time and space to its core. This is so dire that X-Men come from THE FUTURE with a message: THE ALL-NEW X-MEN MUST RETURN TO THE PAST! The ten-part crossover starts here with superstars Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho ! CONTINUED IN ALL-NEW X-MEN #16

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